Will & Sarah Need Your Help!
Partner with us to share Christ's love with the people of Israel
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Help them deliver this message to Israel:
Time is of the essence!
Please help us reach our $5,000 goal.
Until We Depart

*Every Gift Matters. We CANNOT do this without You!
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This drawing for a 5-Night Luxury Vacation at a Luxury Mayan Riviera Beach resort was provided by our amazing sponsors at IMAGE COUNTS PHOTOGRAPHY and fulfilled by BookVIP.com. 

If selected, you will enjoy the scenic views, 6 restaurants, multiple oversized swimming pools and a world class spa all located on the beaches of Cancun.  

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Hello & Shalom Friends,

My name is Will and I am a professional musician, husband, photographer, and speaking pastor from Denver, CO. 

6 years ago, I was given a truly amazing opportunity to be part of a missions trip to Israel to encourage IDF soldiers.

The mission was to remind the Israeli soldiers that there are still many Christians that still stand with and support the people of Israel.  We did this by bringing with us a gift that nearly the entire world can find unity in: Music

It was so amazing seeing God impact the lives of the soldiers through song and I never thought I'd be able to be part of something like this ever again. 

With all this in mind, I received a very special message from Faith Bible Chapel (who I toured with 6 years ago) asking me to return for another Musicianary trip to the Holy Land as a member of the Internationals Singers and Dancers

This time however, things would be very different. I was given permission to bring my precious wife with me to let her experience the Holy Land for the first time ever and to be part of impacting the Jewish people. 

As awesome of an adventure as this will be, like most things in life, it's not free or even cheap for that matter. 

We have been working upwards of 7 days a week trying to bring in enough money to make this vision a reality and still pay the bills. 

We are Musicianaries, not Rock Stars. 

We have to cover our expenses for this music tour ourselves in order to give this love offering of time, energy, and finances to the Israeli Defense Forces. 

What we are asking is for you to partner with us so that we can 
send the love of Jesus from Christians in America to our Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel. 

We want to make our message crystal clear: 


For the two of us to be able to make this missions trip a reality, it's going to warrant a base cost of $2500 dollars per person

That said, we are both working very hard at multiple jobs while trying to cover the expenses ourselves. 

These expenses include: airline tickets, lodging, food & water, a tour guide / translator, gear, etc. 

 All of this adds up very quickly for two people...

Any and all help that our friends, family, and ministry partners can extend 
would mean more than words can ever describe. 

We are so grateful for you, and if you cannot afford to give even a smaller amount towards our mission,
 please keep us in your deepest prayers for safety and for God's favor over this journey. 

Thank you for partnering with us and helping impact countless jewish lives, and may God bless you always.

-Will & Sarah Strotz

Your gift MATTERS
Without AMAZING PARTNERS LIKE YOU, this wouldn't really be possible.  Every additional dollar you give impacts our misison in ways you can't imagine!  So, Thanks for BEING AWESOME!
Helps Further God's Kingdom
The more AMAZING people, just LIKE YOU, who partner with us, the more souls we can hope to reach through our music and message.  We are praying that through through your generous gift, countless lives are changed and that we can all do our part in bridging the gap between Jews and Christians.
Deserves A High-Five
We appreciate your gift and want to give something back to you.  The more you give towards our missions, we want to send some AMAZING GIFTS your way as reminders of your partnership --  just for helping us.  
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